Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools

It's been two weeks since I posted last and that is mainly because I'm trying to decide if I want to attempt to blog.  It's a tough call on whether I want to continue or not.  At any rate, I was on Facebook yesterday and ran across a couple of posts that made me want to write about it.
Have we gotten so politically correct that we now have to be careful about what we post on Facebook on April Fools because we might hurt somebodies feelings?  Okay, let me state that I think people are way, way to open to sharing things on Facebook.  I rarely post anything, just usually creep through people's posts just because I'm nosy.  Okay back to the rant, I'm creeping through people's post and I am reminded about tomorrow (today) being April Fools day, due to the fact that I saw several posts with pregnancy test sticks that show a positive result.  With people stating that if you are thinking about posting this on Facebook.  Please don't 'cause you might hurt someone's feelings.  Seriously?!?!?!?!  Somebody actually thought about that?  Granted it might be a little sensitive if you are trying desperately to get pregnant, which I might add was never very difficult for me and my wife.  So therefore I really don't understand how it effects you; but seriously come on, what's next??  Don't post about getting married, because somebody is out there lonely??  Should I not post pics of my children because some people can't have children??  If I get a new car should I not post that on Facebook, because someone can't afford a new car??  Should I not post pics of my house or remodel projects because someone is homeless or can't afford to remodel??
Where does it stop?  People need to lighten up, put on their big people pants and get in the real world!!  Oh yeah.. Also, stop posting pics of food, cause I guarantee you it doesn't look as good as it probably tastes.  Or at least I'm hoping it tasted better than it looked.  With that I will put this rant to a close.

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